Tuesday, October 21, 2008

why is it so

so i've started the think slim package and program in conjunction with succeed...it's a twelve week program...i've started listening to the mp4 player and doing the physical stuff...next week i see the life coach...i'm already realising that i've come so far on my journey but there's still things i need to deal with that i thought i'd dealt with...
  1. acceptance by and approval of others
  2. being at peace and content within myself.
sometimes i wander if i'll ever get it right...i hope one day i do

Sunday, October 12, 2008


....is so enriching
....is so encouraging
....is so exciting
....is so enthralling
....is so enrapturing
....can change the mood in room in a flash of a moment
....gives me hope that everything will be good
....uplifts my spirit and soul
....gives me happiness

Friday, October 10, 2008

zooming along through life...sometimes i forget to stop and smell the roses or slow down a little...so that's what i'm doing this weekend...stopping for a moment and smelling the roses and enjoying the scenery...my goals and affirmations for this second half of the year are half complete and well...we're already half way through...what's happened...it's nearly two months to my birthday too...which means two months and one week to Christmas!!!!!! AGGGHHHHH!

Anyway was thinking recently about how our lives criss cross with so many others...i believe this happens for a one of many reasons...sometimes those people stick with us for just a moment to teach us or help us learn something or sometimes for a season to help us grow and others are there for a lifetime...i've found some lifetime friends have had many reason and season ones...i'm hopeful one day i'll find that special lifetime friend...the one who i share a connection that is more than just a friendship.

But in the meantime life does go on but this weekend i'm just going to hit pause for a moment...take stock...reaffirm my direction and focus.