Tuesday, May 3, 2011

how inappropriate - that's not Top News Facebook!!

Sometimes Facebook is so inappropriate...so I broke up with my ex about 2 months ago.  We stopped sharing an apartment and moved out three weeks ago this Friday and finally handed the lease over two weeks ago tomorrow.  Facebook doesn't realise this even though you tell it that you're no longer in a relationship with the person but they're still you're friend.  So right that at the top of Top News posts tonight was...having dinner at XXXX's with a special someone!!

I was like, what the!!! This isn't top news so I politely tell Facebook please hide this post to which is does only to then have the post reappear next time I log in.  So short of de-friending (if there is such a word) my ex I'm left with no option but to not have their posts appear in my news feed.

So tonight I'm a little upset that he would move on quickly even through I suspected it would happen.  I don't want to be angry at him and I don't want to be upset. But perhaps I need to go through this pain so I can move on.  Stuffed if I know.

Perhaps there's someone out there in blog land who might stumble across my blog and offer some helpful advice.  *sigh*

So where to from here.  I continue on with my life...continue on growing, becoming stronger, happier and healthier...continue becoming more confident, personable and friendly to myself and to those around me.  Finally being more gracious, thankful and compassionate in all that I do.

So thank you for this day.  Thank you for the lovely sunshine, the food I have to eat, and a roof over my head.  Thank for laughter, joy and happiness.  Thank you for new friendships, passing interests and new adventures.

Time for sleep now.  Tomorrow is a new day and a new beginning!

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