Friday, August 29, 2008

dating again after three years

well finally some say...i say well yes I'm ready now...after three years of refusing to wishing to but choosing not to even envisage the thought of going on a date or meeting someone along those lines...i've taken the plunge...well i about a month. I went on a date. It was something simple...nothing fancy but oh boy was I nervous...he came round here to my place and we went for some chinese takeaway then watched a couple of tv episodes of a mutually favourite U.S. tv show...I was soooo mouth was dry...I didn't know what to say or how to react...I kept on saying to myself just relax chill and enjoy the company...anyway the evening ended...i did enjoy myself except for the nerves.

Following on from this experience i spoke with some friends about my rather nervous experience...and well their response was yes...that's normal...just go with it...relax and enjoy the does goes better as time goes on.

So move onto date number 2...quite an unexpected event...I was out the other week with some friends having a dance at a local club when a particular young guy caught my eye and well I caught his...It would seem every moment I looked at him he was staring right back at me...anyway after a few casual smiles as he walked past for what felt like the tenth time...he tapped me on the shoulder and said "hello". Turns out he's a nice lad...we've met up a few times since then and each time i do get less nervous.

So who knows where this might confidence and faith in my ability to meet new people is coming back...slowly but surely. So now that this lesson is learnt it's now onto the next one about patience, enjoying the moment for what it is, patience, calm, patience and well patience.


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