Thursday, July 17, 2008

first things first

well i recently went on some training for was about leadership and how this relates to my job...there was a recommendation out of this course that i read the book First Things First by Stephen anyway i purchased the book courtesy of some money left on a Borders gift voucher given to me for Christmas and Birthday last year. I've been reading it and although i haven't got very far I've come to realise how some parts of the book really ring true and I've taken some of these steps already in my life to become a more effective in both my personal and work life.

This part of the book is talking about balance and synergy amongst the four needs (i.e. Physical; Social; Mental and Spiritual) and how if there is an unmet need it is essential that we acknowledge the other needs and not leave them unmet and just focus on the one need.

I've found this to be so true...up until about 4 years ago I'd just focus on the one need rather than looking at all four needs and keeping them in balance to support each other and build up the need that was lacking in something.

It's not an easy thing to do but I'm learning and growing as I do this.

Well back to my reading...I'm sure there will be more 'ah ah moments'!

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